Kypros Royal Ark Mariners Lodge No. 1835

Meeting at Apollo Rooms

Episcopi, Limassol

On the second Friday in January, (Installation) ,March and October

W. Commander George Moulletaris​. 2024-2025

On 14th October 2005, R.W Bro G.R.G Purser, Deputy Grand Master accompanied by,

R.W Bro. M.G.W Masters G.M.R.A.C, GDC, R.W Bro. J.A Wright Prov.G.M (Essex),
R.W Bro. R.G Russell P.Prov.G.M, R.W Bro J. Brackley G.M.R.A.C, G.sec,
W. Bro P.R Clement R.A.M.G.R, W.Bro J.M Long R.A.M.G.R,
W.Bro. P.P Paterson R.A.M.G.R and W.Bro. T Thomson R.A.M.G.R

Consecrated Kypros Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No. 1835 at the Apollo Rooms, Episkopi.

At the conclusion of the Consecration, W.Bro D.J Moore R.A.M.G.R was appointed Worshipful Commander and invested the remaining Founding Members as follows,

Senior Warden : W.Bro Th.A. Petrides
Junior Warden : Bro. M. Bruce-Squires,
Chaplin : W.Bro. D.L. Amon
Treasurer : W.Bro E.S. Williams,
Scribe : W.Bro. E.J Georgiou,
Dir. Of Ceremonies : W.Bro M.E.W. Matthews,
Senior Deacon : Bro. G.R.L. Evans,
Junior Deacon : Bro. F.J.D. Jackson
Charity Steward : Bro : J.F.H. Skinner,
Ass. Dir. Of Ceremonies : Bro. B.C. Moseley
Asst Scribe : Bro A.C. Kyriakides,
Almoner : W. Bro. B.G. Virgin
Guardian : Bro. W. Bishop
Warder : Bro. P. Moore
Steward : Bro. A. Theocharous

Today Kypros Royal Ark Mariners Lodge No 1835 continues to grow and flourish with a regular flow of Candidates drawn from Mark Master Masons from all over the Island.


For further information contact the Scribe Bro Tony Fellas, email : HERE

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