The District Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Cyprus

Under the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England & Wales and its Districts and Lodges overseas

Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it”

On Saturday 27th November 2010 The District Grand Lodge of Cyprus was Constituted by the M.W. Pro Grand Master, John Hale assisted by Officers of Grand Lodge at The St. Raphael Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus. R.W.Bro. Theodosios Socratous Theodossiou, was installed as the first District Grand Master for the District of Cyprus and W. Bro. Duncan Moore, P.G.S.D. R.A.M.G.R. was appointed Deputy District Grand Master.

After the retirement of R.W. Bro Theodossiou, on 18th November 2023 a team from Grand Lodge once again travelled to Cyprus and in an impressive ceremony at the Ajax Hotel in Limassol installed R.W. Bro Andrew Theocharous R.A.M.G.R. as the new District Grand Master for the Mark District of Cyprus and W.Bro John Evans P.Dist.G.J.W. was appointed as Deputy District Grand Master.

Click here for a Photo of Grand Lodge Installation team

R.W. Bro. Andrew Theocharous
District Grand Master


W. Bro. John Evans
Dep. District Grand Master

District Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Cyprus
Administration 2023 – 24

Click image to enlarge

Dist.G.M. – R. W. Bro.A.Theocharous R.A.M.G.R      Dep.Dist.G.M. – W. Bro John Evans P.Dist.G.J.W.

Dist.G.S.W. – W.Bro R. Makrosellis P.G.St.B. Dist G.J.W. – W.Bro S. Azzi  P.G.St.B, P,Dist S.G.W
Dist.G. M.O. – W.Bro A. Makris, Dist.G.S.O. – W. Bro. M.J. Louisides,
Dist.G.J.O. – W. Bro. H. Zannetos , Dist.G.Chap. – V.W. Bro E.S. Williams. P.G.J.O​
Dist.G.Treas. – W.Bro R. Hynes Dist RAMGR, Dist.G.Almoner. –  W.Bro. A. Athanasiades
Dist.G.Sec. – W.Bro. A. Kyriacoudes , Dist.G.D.C. – W.Bro. P. Kyriacou.
Dist.G.Insp.Wks. – W.Bro. K. Andreou,  Dist.G.Swd.B. – W.Bro. E.Tsivitanides, 
Dep.Dist.G.D.C. W.Bro. O. Yenovkian,  Dist.G.S.D. – W.Bro. S. Zeidan,Dist.G.J.D. – W.Bro. M. Savvides,  Dist.G.Org. – W.Bro. J. Farah,
Dist.G.St.B. – W.Bro. A. Murrin,  Dist.G.I.G. – W.Bro. T. Zaim. 
Dist.G.Stwd. – W.Bro. S. Greenwood, Dist.G.Tyler. – W Bro S. Alexandrou

For Scribes & Secretaries only

For more information contact The District Grand Secretary

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